Montezuma County Senior Services
No Image AvailableLocation is provided for activities targeting senior citizens in Montezuma County with nutritious meals and nutrition education. Programs, events, activities (i.e. arts/crafts, bingo, cards, etc) and meetings are usually sponsored by local seniors’ groups. Events may be scheduled at the center by calling. Use by non-senior groups is dependent on scheduling. Lunch is served Monday through Friday at noon. Tuesday evening, dinner and salad bar begin at 5 PM. $3.50 donation is requested for meals but no one who is eligible will be refused a meal due to inability to pay.
Congregate Meals
Nutrition Education
Golden Age 55+ Club
Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
4 Corners Senior Travelers
Home-Delivered Meals
Monthly Newsletter
MoCo Public Transportation
USDA Commodity Program
Information & Referral
Satellite Sites
Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Monday through Friday
107 Chestnut Cortez CO 81321
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