Welcome to the Montelores Early Childhood Council’s Community Directory. This directory is a resource for families in Dolores and Montezuma counties.
To find a specific listing, please click on the category for the listing you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for “The Boy Scouts of America”, you can click the “Youth & Adolescent Services category (because the Boy Scouts offer opportunities for youth and adolescents) to find their information. You can also use the search box to look for a specific listing. Some listings may appear in multiple categories.
Bureau of Indian AffairsLaw Enforcement Agency
Work 107 Spruce Street Towaoc CO 81334 workOther P.O. Box 449 Towoac CO 81334 postal
Work Phone: 970-565-3706work
Work Phone: 970-565-8473work
Work Fax: 970-565-9537workfax
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Protection and law enforcement are provided for citizens of Towaoc.
Hours: 8 AM – 4:30 PM Monday through Friday, closed for lunch
Butler Child Development CenterHead Start Program
Work 1320 East Empire Street Cortez CO 81321 work
Work Phone: 970-565-6040work
Cahone Senior CenterDolores County Senior Services
Work 14018 Highway 49 Cahone CO 81320 workOther P.O. Box 144 Cahone CO 81320 postal
Work Phone: 970-562-4626work
Work Fax: 970-562-4625workfax
Work Email: dcsenior@fone.netINTERNET
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The needs of senior citizens are addressed with a very active group through the Cahone Senior Center. The Center has a bus which makes recreational trips for seniors. Trips may include: state or national parks, the Ute Mountain Casino, or shopping trips to Cortez, Durango, or Farmington. Nutritionally balanced meals are served at noon on Tuesday and Thursday at the Cahone Senior Center and on Monday at 6 PM at the Dove Creek Community Center. The Center has a “meals on wheels” program for those unable to go to the center. Seniors who can afford to are encouraged to pay for the meals, but payment is not required. The bus also picks up and returns seniors to their homes on meal days. Several fundraising events help support the meals and the center activities with additional funding through the Quality of Life mil levy.
Health Promotion
National Family Caregiver
Senior Nutrition Meal
Home Chore
Information & Assistance
Senior Health Insurance Assistance
Meals on Wheels
Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Monday through Friday
Campfire Group12-Step Recovery Program
Work 6520 County Road 24.5 Cortez CO 81321 work
Work Phone: 970-565-3342work
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12-step group for any addiction.
Meetings: 8 PM Saturday
Note: (C) denotes closed meeting, for alcoholics only. (W) denotes Women’s meeting. (NS) denotes non-smoking meeting. All other meetings are open to anyone who wants to know more about the Disease of Alcoholism.
Work Phone: 970-564-1058work
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Support group meets in Southwest Memorial Hospital Annex at corner of First and South Market.
Meetings: The First Thursday of every month at 7 PM
CARS Cortez Addiction Recovery Services, Inc.
Work 35 North Ash Street Cortez CO 81321 work
Work Phone: 970-565-4109work
Work Fax: 970-565-8804workfax
Website: http://www.cortezrecovery.org/
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Outpatient drug and alcohol education, intervention, and treatment are provided for any person in the Four Corners area requiring information or experiencing problems due to their relationship with drugs or alcohol. Sliding fee scale is based on ability to pay. There are also funds available from various community agencies for clients who meet certain guidelines.
Evaluations & Referrals
Levels I and II Education & Therapy
Intensive Outpatient Program
Individual Counseling
Urinalysis Screening: For employers or concerned individuals
Adolescent Substance Abuse Intervention Group
Homesite Transitional Living Facility
Community Education Programs
Youth Program
First Program
Student Assistant Program
Hours: 9 AM – 5 PM Monday through Thursday, 9 A – 2 PM Friday
Children’s Kiva (Montessori Preschool)
Work 1204 East Empire Cortez CO 81321 workOther P.O. Box 1317 Cortez CO 81321 postal
Work Phone: 970-565-8586work
Website: http://www.childrenskiva.org/
Work State Capitol Building Room 127 Denver CO 80203 work
Work Phone: 800-283-7215work
Work Phone: Direct: 303-866-6326work
Work Fax: 303-866-6326workfax
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Program through the Governor’s office in Denver is designed to assist, advise, refer, and advocate for Colorado citizens.
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