Welcome to the Montelores Early Childhood Council’s Community Directory. This directory is a resource for families in Dolores and Montezuma counties.
To find a specific listing, please click on the category for the listing you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for “The Boy Scouts of America”, you can click the “Youth & Adolescent Services category (because the Boy Scouts offer opportunities for youth and adolescents) to find their information. You can also use the search box to look for a specific listing. Some listings may appear in multiple categories.
Alternative Sentencing Program
Work 730 East Driscoll Cortez CO 81321 work
Work Phone: 970-565-8452work
Work Fax: 970-565-3731workfax
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An alternative or adjunct to detention and fines for those convicted of misdemeanors and felonies in Montezuma County. Inter-county referrals are also made. Those convicted are court-ordered to ASP at discretion of judge, and charged a fee to cover program administration. Non-profit organization may request assistance for projects through ASP.
Hours: 8:30 AM – 4 PM Monday through Friday
Work Vista Mesa Assisted Living 1206 North Mildred Road Cortez CO 81321 work
Work Phone: 970-259-0122work
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Education and support provided for caregivers of Alzheimer (and related dementia) affected persons, including information, referral, and other available services.
Meetings: Every third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM at Vista Mesa Assisted Living
Work Phone: Cortez: 911work
Work Phone: Dolores: 911work
Work Phone: Dove Creek: 970-677-2500work
Work Phone: Mancos: 911work
Work 1800 East Third Avenue, Suite 101 Durango CO 81301 work
Work Phone: 970-247-0278work
Work Fax: 970-247-4200workfax
Website: http://www.cancer.org
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Nation-wide volunteer health organization with a local branch providing local services is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives from cancer, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, and service. The Durango Hub Office serves Montezuma, La Plata, Archuleta, and San Juan (NM) counties.
Information & Referral: Information about types of cancer, treatments available, and communication skills in working with medical personnel. Call 800-ACS-2345
Support Groups: Available for men and women, their loved ones, and care givers
Cancer Resource Center: Located in the Durango Cancer Center at Mercy Medical Plaza, this volunteer-staffed center offers patients free wigs, hats, turbans, literature, support, and answers Call 970-403-0086
Reach to Recovery: Peer-to-peer mentor visitation program with trained volunteer breast cancer survivors provides information, comfort, and support for patients before, during, and after breast cancer treatment
Look Good…Feel Better: Community-based service teaches female cancer patients beauty techniques to help enhance their appearance and self-image during chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Includes a free cosmetic kit. Attendees learn about skin care, wig styling, nail care, and cosmetic tips.
Road to Reovery: Free transportation provided for cancer patients in La Plata, Archuleta and Montezuma counties to their treatment appointments and home again. Trained volunteer drivers assist patients who have no transportation, are too ill to drive, or who do not ave access to other local resources. Rides arranged by calling 970-403-0086
Patient Lodging Program: Durango motels and hotels offer free or discounted rooms to cancer patients who must travel more than one hour. Call 970-403-0086
Man to Man: Education and support group for survivors of prostate cancer. Call 970-247-9039
National Cancer Information Center: Trained cancer information specialists available 24-hours, 7 days/week to answer questions about cancer, link callers with resources in their community, and provide information on local events. Call 800-ACS-2345
American Cancer Society Website: In-depth information on all major types of cancer, including breast cancer guidelines for prevention, detections, treatment, clinical trials, program & services for patients, and more
Hours 8:30 AM – 5 PM Monday through Friday
Work Phone: 970-882-7999work
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(Southwest Colorado Chapter) Provides emergency and disaster relief and financial assistance. Offers classes in CPR, First Aid, and emergency preparedness.
Battle Rock Charter SchoolMontezuma-Cortez School District RE-1
Work 11247 County Road G Cortez CO 81321 workOther P.O. Drawer R Cortez CO 81321 postal
Work Phone: 970-565-3237work
Beautiful Mancos Valley AA GroupAlcoholics Anonymous
Work St. Paul Episcopal Church 479 Bauer Street Mancos CO 81328 work
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12-step reverie program for alcoholics provided fellowship and support to members through sharing of experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their problems.
Regional Office: 888-333-9649
Meetings: 6 PM Sunday
Note: (C) denotes closed meeting, for alcoholics only. (W) denotes Women’s meeting. (NS) denotes non-smoking meeting. All other meetings are open to anyone who wants to know more about the Disease of Alcoholism.
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Scouting is a values-based program with its own code of conduct. The Boy Scout Oath and Law help instill the values of good conduct, respect for others, and honesty. Scouts learn skills that will last a lifetime, including basic outdoor skills, first aid, citizenship skills, leadership skills, and how to get along with others. Mesa Verde District services Montezuma, San Juan, La Plata, Dolores and Archuleta counties with units in Mancos, Dolores, Cortez, Durango, Pagosa Springs, Bayfield, Silverton and Chama (NM). Please call for local contact information and meeting times. Boys ages 7-21 and girls ages 14-21 are served. Registration fee is $10 per year.
Hours: 9 AM-5 PM Monday through Friday
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