Welcome to the Montelores Early Childhood Council’s Community Directory. This directory is a resource for families in Dolores and Montezuma counties.
To find a specific listing, please click on the category for the listing you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for “The Boy Scouts of America”, you can click the “Youth & Adolescent Services category (because the Boy Scouts offer opportunities for youth and adolescents) to find their information. You can also use the search box to look for a specific listing. Some listings may appear in multiple categories.
After School Tutoring Program
No Image AvailableStudents attending eligible schools can receive small group tutoring to increase reading skills.
For more information and a complete listing of programs offered through Pinon Project, please see the listing for Pinon Project in the Family Support Services category.
300 North Elm Street Cortez CO 81321
P.O. Box 1510 Cortez CO 81321
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