MECC is using early learning strategies recommended in the EC CO Framework to ensure that all young children in our community, regardless of cultural, linguistic, economic, and/or special needs status, are ready for school, are meeting developmental milestones, and have access to high quality early learning environments with well-qualified teachers.
Enhancing Quality in Early Learning Environments
The School Readiness Quality Improvement Program (SRQIP) provides a variety of supports to early care and education centers and family childcare homes to enhance the quality of their early learning environments and improve school readiness of their children. With the help of our former School Readiness and Quality Improvement Coordinator, Tricia Nelson, and our School Readiness and Quality Improvement Coach, Sahara Thurston, our SRQIP program has grown from 2 to 10 schools, representing an increase from 11 to 33 classrooms in one year. MECC has provided funding, coaching, ratings, and trainings to enable three additional early care and education centers to achieve Qualistar ratings.
Enhancing Quality Through Professional Development
MECC’s Professional Development Coordinator, Lindsay Havran, works with the Professional Development Committee to ensure that the strategies in our strategic plan are implemented.
For information about our many PD initiatives, click on the links below:
Professional Development Trainings
Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care (EQ)
Formal Educational Opportunities
Southwest Colorado Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference
Ready Kids, Ready Schools
We’ve borrowed this national and state slogan to describe the transition to kindergarten goals and strategies in our strategic plan. Our former Transition Coordinator, Liisa Mecham, developed and implemented a Transition Family Night for families whose children have a year or more before kindergarten. It was a huge success. Click the News & Events button at the top right of the website for pictures. Our new Transition Coordinator, Katrina Lindus, is developing transition materials for presentation to local school boards and administration, as well as public awareness campaigns to engage our community. Future plans include collaborating with school districts to create joint Transition Teams, processes, forms, activities, and tracking systems to ensure successful transition to kindergarten and K-12 success.
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