Certified Babysitting Class

Southwest Health System, Inc is offering an interactive hands on, practical babysitter’s certification course for children 11 and older.

Certified Babysitting ClassIn this class, students will learn about:

• Responsible babysitting
• Basic child development
• Infant and child care
• Safety and injury prevention
• How to handle emergencies
• Age-appropriate toys
• Business tips
• What parents expect

This class is intended for teens and preteens, ages 11 to 16. Preregistration is required. You can register by calling Robyn Bragg at 564-2243 or email rbragg@swhealth.org.

Location: Southwest Memorial Annex Building, 20 S Market Street
Time: 0900-1200
Date: 5/31/14
Cost: $30.00

The class is taught by experienced RNs and All participants will receive a babysitting certificate from the American Health and Safety Institute.
All proceeds will go to the Montelores Cancer Fund to assist cancer patients in Montezuma County.