Archive for News – Page 14

The Incredible Years Infant Parenting Class

The Pinon Project Family Resource Center presents: The Incredible Years Infant Parenting Class

infantJune 16th, 2014 10:00am-12:00pm

300 N. Elm St.

Cortez, CO

Do you want to build a more positive relationship with your baby?

Do you need some more ways to help your child learn and grow?

Do you want some tools to help your child succeed?

This program is proven to be effective!

NO TIME? We provide lunch for you and your child.

NO BABYSITTER? Bring your baby with you!

NO MONEY? Everything is FREE.

Partners are welcome and encouraged to come!  To sign up, contact Maggie or Lynn at (970) 564-1195. Space is limited, so sign up soon!


May Family Night: Blast Off Into Summer!

Montelores Early Childhood Council Presents:



Download Family Night PDF

Summer is just around the corner, and we have a great evening full of ideas for summer fun for the whole family!

When: Thursday, May 22nd


Where: 631 Montezuma Ave.

Church of Christ Annex


All attending children will receive a book for summer reading!

Please RSVP: – we hope to see you there!

Families Flying Wild!

Don’t miss out on Families Flying Wild! a free kid-friendly event this weekend at the Cultural Center.


Certified Babysitting Class

Southwest Health System, Inc is offering an interactive hands on, practical babysitter’s certification course for children 11 and older.

Certified Babysitting ClassIn this class, students will learn about:

• Responsible babysitting
• Basic child development
• Infant and child care
• Safety and injury prevention
• How to handle emergencies
• Age-appropriate toys
• Business tips
• What parents expect

This class is intended for teens and preteens, ages 11 to 16. Preregistration is required. You can register by calling Robyn Bragg at 564-2243 or email

Location: Southwest Memorial Annex Building, 20 S Market Street
Time: 0900-1200
Date: 5/31/14
Cost: $30.00

The class is taught by experienced RNs and All participants will receive a babysitting certificate from the American Health and Safety Institute.
All proceeds will go to the Montelores Cancer Fund to assist cancer patients in Montezuma County.

April Family Night

Montelores Early Childhood Council Presents:


April Family Night | Montelores Early Childhood Council

Please join us for Garden Party Family night on Thursday, April 17th, from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at Teddy Bear Preschool in Dolores!

Please RSVP to

We hope to see you there!


Click to download PDF

2nd Annual Edible Book Festival

Southwest Open School (SWOS) will again present the Edible Book Festival, in cooperation with the Cortez Public Library. Last year’s event featured creative entries from K-12 students and school staff, but coordinator Rita Stramel is hoping for broader community participation at this year’s event.

The library will again host the festival, on April 12 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

The International Edible Book Festival is held each year in countries around the world on or about April 1. The official website,, describes it as an “ephemeral global banquet, in which anyone can participate.” The first event, in 2000, was inspired by French gastronome Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826), who wrote Physiologie du goût, a witty meditation on food. The author’s birthday is April 1, “the perfect day to eat your words and play with them as the ‘books’ are consumed on the day of the event,” according to the site.

The late date of the local event is due to the timing of spring break (March 29-April 6) and the fact that Saturday is most convenient for the majority of the population.

SWOS director Jennifer Carter says the festival is a good vehicle for promoting literacy, besides being “just fun.” Stramel adds,“Making edible books really stretches the imagination. But I’ve found that once people wrap their heads around the concept, they can usually come up with more than one idea.”

For those who doubt their own creative ability, SWOS will hold a short workshop to help stimulate ideas and plan book-building strategies. Stramel, an avid cook, will be there to suggest materials and “construction” methods. The workshop will be held at the school on April 8 from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. Meanwhile, Stramel suggests browsing through photos of creations from past years, posted on There are few rules; every entry must be “bookish,” whether in form, content, or inspiration, and they must be edible. Other than that, the only limitations are individuals’ creativity and culinary ambition.

Entries may be dropped off at the library on April 12 between noon and 1:00 p.m. The edible books display will begin at 1:00. At 2:30 prizes will be awarded for the best entries in the following categories: Best Entry under 12 years old, Best Entry 12-18 years old, Best Entry over 18 years, Most Appetizing, Least Appetizing, and Best Group Entry. Afterwards festival-goers will eat the “books.”

Cortez’ Edible Book Festival is supported by a federal 21st Century Community Learning Center grant. The fun isn’t reserved for students, though. Anyone in the community may participate.