
We’ve chosen one access outcome – increased access to preventive oral and medical health care; and a quality outcome – increased knowledge of the importance of health and wellness, from the EC CO Framework to address through our strategic plan.

We’ve adopted the national and state slogan and named our Wellness Committee, Healthy Kids Are Ready Kids, to emphasize the relationship between wellness and school readiness and achievement.

MECC’s Health Integration Coordinator, Katrina Lindus, is developing a Health Navigation Guide to assist parents in navigating developmental, health, wellness, and nutrition resources from pregnancy through eight years of age. This is funded through the Health Integration Grant from the Colorado Trust.

We are implementing the national Let’s Go 5-2-1-0 campaign, hosting Family Nights on wellness, nutrition, and developmentally appropriate physical activity.

Cavity-Free-at-Three-Logo4MECC partners with the Montezuma County Health Department to implement Cavity Free at Three, which provides oral health information and dental varnish at the first tooth. We also visit centers and home providers with a dental hygienist to provide oral education and apply dental varnish to the children in those settings. One of our goals is to encourage local health care providers to participate in this program. We held a training for health providers and had 24 attendees, a great number for our small community.