Southwest Adult Education Program » Community Resource Guide

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Southwest Adult Education Program

Unlimited Learning Center (BOCS)
Work 640 East Second Street Cortez CO 81321 Other P.O. Box 1273 Cortez CO 81321 Work Phone: 970-565-1601 Work Fax: 970-565-1605 Website:


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Believe that dreams can come true. Help is offered for dreamers in southwest Colorado who want more in some area of their lives than they can presently have: academic preparation, social interaction, job readiness, or vocational referral. Work with adults on an individualized or small group basis. Registration fees vary depending on needs.

For more information and a complete listing of programs offered through Southwest Board of Cooperative Services, please see the listen for Southwest Board of Cooperative Services in this category.

Hours: 8 AM – 8 PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8 AM – 4:30 PM Thursday, Friday

Connections Business Directory | Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

640 East Second Street Cortez CO 81321

P.O. Box 1273 Cortez CO 81321