Heart to Heart: Montezuma Crisis Pregnancy Center » Community Resource Guide

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Heart to Heart: Montezuma Crisis Pregnancy Center

Work 213 West North Street Cortez CO 81321 Other P.O. Box 716 Cortez CO 81321 Work Phone: 970-565-0979 Work Fax: 970-565-3079 Website: http://www.hearttoheartcpc.com/


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Compassionate support provided for women with unplanned pregnancies and related needs. Personalized care and complete and accurate information are provided so that they can make educated decisions they can live with. Services are free to women with unplanned pregnancies in Montezuma County and bordering communities. Pregnancy test are available by appointment or walk-in.

Information: Pregnancy options and community resources
Referrals: Other local agencies and doctors
Training Classes: Volunteers in pregnancy center crisis intervention
Free Pregnancy Tests
Supplies and Furniture
Maternity and Baby Clothes
Abstinence Counseling
Post-Abortion Counseling

Hours: 12 Noon – 4 PM Monday through Wednesday, or by appointment

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213 West North Street Cortez CO 81321

P.O. Box 716 Cortez CO 81321